Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember Book Review

If you can only buy one book in November, Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember is the one to buy! Barbara Rainey, wife of FamilyLife founder, Dennis Rainey, does a fantastic job informing readers of the history of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving celebrations.

She begins by explaining the origins of the Pilgrims and why they are leaving England. Then she recounts the voyage to the New World, the first winter in New England, and the first Thanksgiving celebration. Also included is a description of the role Native Americans (Squanto, Samoset, and Massasoit) played in the survival of the Pilgrims.

As a mom of young children (5 years and under) I appreciate the way Mrs. Rainey separated the story into two versions - grown-up and child. This is accomplished through two different sizes of type. "The larger-type sections contain the essence of the Pilgrim story and the parts that would be most interesting to younger children." Just reading the large type should take about 30 minutes, but I recommend dividing the sections and reading it all aloud as a family.

Another feature of this book is an included CD of Thanksgiving instrumental music. As you prepare your heart and home for Thanksgiving while listening to this CD you will recognize familiar hymns and choruses.

While not exactly a "tips" and "activities" book, Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember gives you several ideas for family traditions, as well as stimulating curiosity to learn more about the Pilgrims.

For more activity ideas be sure to read my Thanksgiving Lesson Plans here or the "pretty" jpg version here.

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