Sunday, November 16, 2008

Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving Book Review

When I started looking for children's Thanksgiving books to go with my Thanksgiving lesson plans I wanted a book that talked about the Indians (or Native Americans). But I didn't want a politically correct book that made them out to be the saviors of the Pilgrims. I wanted a book that let God do the saving THROUGH the Indians.

I discovered what I was looking for in Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving by Eric Metaxas. Metaxas tells us the true story of Squanto, an Indian boy, kidnapped and taken to Spain. Through the Sovereign hand of God he eventually returns to his homeland and finds his entire village wiped out by illness. Not long after his return the Pilgrims settle on the very land his village once occupied. Squanto meets with the Pilgrims, recognizes them as followers of the True God, and helps them survive.

I found it refreshing to read an account of Thanksgiving and the Indians that acknowledged the hand of God in history. As a Christian I believe He has a plan and a purpose for everyone's life. Sometimes we can see the plan and purpose, sometimes we can't. Like Joseph of the Old Testament, Squanto spent many years wondering what purpose God had in his kidnapping. And like Joseph, God used Squanto to save some of His people.

My only negative comment is that the illustrations of Squanto seem to change from page to page. I realize he is growing up and changing cultures but his facial features and hair color should not change that much. I am a little disappointed that the illustrator did not maintain the Indian (Native American) facial features and black hair that Squanto most definitely had.

Other than that minor negative I whole heartily recommend this book to anyone, young or old, who wants to learn the story of how God used one man to rescue many.

1 comment:

cocoroyale said...

Love the book the best nest. def one of my all time favorites. your blog is very nice. Thanks for all the great book reviews.